I admit that I have been a homebody for the last few years. I am not in my early twenties anymore, and I’m essentially wifed up. However, a new generation of events have got my girlfriend and I going out this summer. These events are primarily organized and/or attended by Black lesbians and bisexual women in Los Angeles. Here’s a list:

Founded by Monique “Mo” Salmon, with the help of her wife Soraya Salmon, and a number of others, B4 THE INTERNET is a recurring day party that takes place at The Friend bar in Silver Lake. Mo launched the event about a year ago with the purpose of giving Black female DJs the spotlight that they truly deserve. These DJs include DJ Full Exposure, Weirdowithsoul, and Selah Say.
At B4 THE INTERNET, BIPOC members of our community are front and center. According to Mo, the event aims to bring back the original feeling of living freely, feeling good, and doing the things you love without compromising who you are.
In addition to a lively dance floor inside, there is a patio area where attendees can have conversations and play games like Jenga and Black Card Revoked.
Follow @b4thenet to stay in the loop.

Queer Aunties is a self-described exclusive safe space for “aunties, uncties, and guncles.” They had their first event last weekend, and it was full of Black women who love women, including some internet-famous YouTubers like AmbersCloset and JadeFox.
I became aware of this event when Lena Waithe shared the flyer on her Instagram story. In order to snag an invite, I had to fill out a form and include my social media handle for approval. Not gonna lie, I felt kind of special when I received my exclusive email invitation.
Several women that I saw at B4 THE INTERNET two weeks ago, were at Queer Aunties last week– an indication that Black lesbians and bisexual women are OUT HERE this summer.
As expected, the music was great and the vibes were immaculate. I also found it easy to strike up conversations with new people.
Follow @queerauntiesla to learn more.

I should point out that Thirst Trap is not explicitly advertised as being for women who love women. It’s more about revolving themes like “Hot Girl Shit” or “Barbie.” However, my girlfriend, Emma, attended their last event while I was out of town, and she swears that the crowd was almost entirely Black and gay, with significantly more women than men.
For that reason, we’ll both be at their next event this month.
Follow @thirsttrapparty to stay in the loop.

In addition to hosting a weekend-long retreat for Black lesbians and bisexual women almost every year, BLU occasionally has other events in and around Long Beach.
There is an upcoming event on July 15th, from 4-6PM at Hamburger Mary’s. The point of which is to raise funds for this year’s retreat. There will be games, good times, and stand-up comedy.
Organizations like BLU do the much-needed work of connecting Black women who love women to each other. Please consider supporting them if you can. Tickets to the in-person fundraiser are available here. General donations can be made here, and tickets to the actual BLU Retreat are available on BlackLesbiansUnited.Org
Something Casual is described as “a Queer Day Party featuring your fave queer + trans DJs playing hip-hop, afrobeat, amapiano and more!” I haven’t gotten around to attending yet, but I’ve heard good things.
Follow them @somethingcasual._

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