We drove from LA to Palm Springs in groups of two and three. I carpooled with my friend Sam, and her ex-girlfriend, Rachel. They had planned the trip to Dinah Shore when they were still together. We arrived at the house on Friday morning.There were ten of us in total.
In addition to Rachel, Sam, and I, there was Jackie who had just gotten dumped, Janette who was attending Dinah for the ninth time, Melina who filmed the video that you’re about to watch, and four other friends who spent half the weekend working hard, and the other half getting fucked up.
We all had certain expectations going in. These expectations varied from person to person and ranged from hanging out with friends and just having a good time to hooking up women. Some of us had our expectations met, some of us didn’t. Watch the video below to see what happened. And stay tuned for part two.

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