Tag tanis clark

Feudal Nerds: Installment 47

Feudal Nerds gives us a glimpse into the lives of Jaime and Tanis, a lesbian couple who reside in Wisconsin.

Feudal Nerds: Installment 45 (Part 4)

Feudal Nerds gives us a glimpse into the lives of Jaime and Tanis, a lesbian couple who reside in Wisconsin. Continued from here

Feudal Nerds: Installment 45 (Part 2)

Feudal Nerds gives us a glimpse into the lives of Jaime and Tanis, a lesbian couple who reside in Wisconsin. A new installment of the series will be posted on LOE every other Sunday. Continued from here

Feudal Nerds: Installment 44

Feudal Nerds gives us a glimpse into the lives of Jaime and Tanis, a lesbian couple who reside in Wisconsin. A new installment of the series will be posted on LOE every other Sunday.

Feudal Nerds: Installment 45 (Part 1)

Feudal Nerds gives us a glimpse into the lives of Jaime and Tanis, a lesbian couple who reside in Wisconsin. A new installment of the series will be posted on LOE every other Sunday. Read part 2 here

Aaah Real Lesbians: Tanis Clark

Tanis Clark is the artist behind, Feudal Nerds, an original comic series that we publish biweekly here on Lesbians Over Everything. She and her fiancee Jaime are also the reason why I still believe that true love exists. ASHLEY: Tell us about Feudal… Continue Reading →

Feudal Nerds: Installment 29

Feudal Nerds gives us a glimpse into the lives of Jaime and Tanis, a lesbian couple who reside in Florida. A new installment of the series will be posted on LOE every other Sunday.

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