A place where lesbians can share our own stories

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Feudal Nerds: Installment 18

Feudal Nerds gives us a glimpse into the lives of Jaime and Tanis, a lesbian couple who reside in Florida. A new installment of the series will be posted on LOE every other Friday.

Out on the Town: LEZBOWL

Description: Local lesbian goes out and sees what her city has to offer. Local lesbian writes about it. Lezbowl was the second local event hosted by Girl Social LA— a group that produces fun events for lesbians and bisexual women in the… Continue Reading →

Feudal Nerds: Installment 17

Feudal Nerds gives us a glimpse into the lives of Jaime and Tanis, a lesbian couple who reside in Florida. A new installment of the series will be posted on LOE every other Friday.

Kissing in Psych Hospitals

Day 3: February 14, 2010 “We had a new girl today too. Her name is Lea. She’s pretty and she has adorable freckles. She’s 15 and she tried to kill herself. She has a valley girl voice. She cuts herself… Continue Reading →

Feudal Nerds: Installment 16

Feudal Nerds gives us a glimpse into the lives of Jaime and Tanis, a lesbian couple who reside in Florida. A new installment of the series will be posted on LOE every other Friday.

When We Gather

When we gather, I am not someone’s gay sister or friend I am more than just “the other” I am perfectly fine.   When we gather, my attraction goes unquestioned my relationships get full recognition, as does my heartache in the… Continue Reading →

Feudal Nerds: Installment 15

Feudal Nerds gives us a glimpse into the lives of Jaime and Tanis, a lesbian couple who reside in Florida. A new installment of the series will be posted on LOE every other Friday.

Out on the Town: Wild Side West

Description: Local lesbian goes out and sees what her city has to offer. Local lesbian writes about it. *In this particular piece, the lesbian goes to a nearby city. I took a trip to San Francisco last weekend and decided to… Continue Reading →

Feudal Nerds: Installment 14

Feudal Nerds gives us a glimpse into the lives of Jaime and Tanis, a lesbian couple who reside in Florida. A new installment of the series will be posted on LOE every other Friday.

Coming Out to Coworkers

The first time I came out to a coworker, he was giving me a ride home from work. I remember us talking about music for a while. He liked Rap and I liked indie-singer-songwriter-type songs. He asked me if I… Continue Reading →

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