Tag lesbian

Lez Review: LA Web Series

Two women meet on an elevator. One of them has to be on a flight back home to Manchester the following morning. Together, they wander the streets of Los Angeles as they talk, flirt with, and learn more about each… Continue Reading →

Lesbian Friend Group Runs out of New Members to Hook Up With

It happened late last night, in the corner of a crowded bar. Kelsie and Amanda inched closer and closer together until their lips met– a seemingly harmless interaction. What you don’t know is that up until that point, they were… Continue Reading →

Why I’m a Lesbian (Not Queer)

  Bit says: Lesbian is a difficult word. It has too many syllables. It’s a word full of aggressive buzzes and ugly bumps. Most same-sex-attracted women my age prefer the word “queer.” It has one syllable, it’s vague enough to… Continue Reading →

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