Tag love

Feudal Nerds: Installment 34

Feudal Nerds gives us a glimpse into the lives of Jaime and Tanis, a lesbian couple who reside in Florida. A new installment of the series will be posted on LOE every other Sunday.

Almost Everything I Know About Healthy Relationships, I Learned From My Cat (PART 2)

By: Everlyn A. Hunter PART TWO: THE LEASH (continued from here) Gracie took three weeks to recover fully from her respiratory infection, and I kept her indoors for the duration. She found every sunny spot and window in the apartment,… Continue Reading →

“I Think Everyone Loves their First in a Way”

Every Woman I Have Ever Loved, Submission #3 Description: Reader submissions about women they’ve loved– all of them, or just a memorable few. My Best Friend – We met in 3rd grade and had been inseparable since. Lunchtime, recess, and class time were… Continue Reading →

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