Tag actualize

Actualize 2024

Actualize is an intentionally-small lesbian gathering that takes place in Southern California every year (for the most part). This year, we kicked things off with trivia. People were split into teams and tasked with working together to answer questions like… Continue Reading →

The Magic of Actualize

Due to COVID, Actualize was cancelled in 2020. After a year of anticipation, the event kicked off at the tail end of August 2021. And boy, was it worth the wait! Actualize is an intentional lesbian gathering that (COVID aside)… Continue Reading →

Highlights from Actualize 2018

Actualize is an invite-only lesbian gathering that takes place in Southern California every year in May. I just got back from the last one, and these were some of the highlights: THE POOL PARTY This year, we kicked the pool… Continue Reading →

ACTUALIZE: An Intentional Lesbian Gathering

Last weekend, sixteen lesbians from different parts of the world convened at a campsite somewhere in California. We were there to take part in Actualize– a lesbian event that I had spent a year putting together. Being a lesbian can sometimes be an extremely… Continue Reading →

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