Tag pride

Out on the Town: University Pride Club

Description: Local lesbian goes out and sees what her city has to offer. Local lesbian writes about it. ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA When I was younger, I dreamt of finding community, being surrounded by people like me, being able to comfortably and… Continue Reading →

Out on the Town: OUR HOUSE

Description: Local lesbian goes out and sees what her city has to offer. Local lesbian writes about it. It’s June, and pride in Los Angeles is going strong. There are so many great gay and lesbian events happening this month,… Continue Reading →

Dyke March is for Dykes

Women will continue to resist the force that attempts to eviscerate persons from history into the category of ephemera. Out of the streets and into the home or cubicle, into a poem or greeting card. There are still reasons to… Continue Reading →

Love Yourself: Read Lesbian Books

I’m reading books only by lesbians this month, in observance of Pride. I tried this for the first time last June and decided to make it an annual personal tradition. Why? It’s become a month for surrounding ourselves with gay… Continue Reading →

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