Created by Mariah Hanson in 1991, and hailed as “the largest lesbian event in the world”, Dinah Shore (a.k.a Dinah) takes place in Palm Springs once a year. When I think of Dinah Shore, I imagine wild pool parties, people… Continue Reading →
Amy Lauren is a poet from Mississippi who has published two chapbooks, Prodigal (Bottlecap Press) and God With Us (Headmistress Press). Her work appears in other publications such as Believe Out Loud, Sinister Wisdom and Lavender Review, receiving Pushcart and… Continue Reading →
I’ve been attending lesbian events in Los Angeles… for research. Here’s a list of recurring events in the LA area that you should check out. LEZ DO BRUNCH Lez Do Brunch takes place at Bar 10 in West Hollywood one… Continue Reading →
Zoe Wells was sixteen the first time she wrote a song about a woman she liked. Said song was for her gym teacher, Miss Burns. Although Zoe doesn’t remember all the words, she distinctly remembers writing the following lines: “I’d… Continue Reading →
Two women meet on an elevator. One of them has to be on a flight back home to Manchester the following morning. Together, they wander the streets of Los Angeles as they talk, flirt with, and learn more about each… Continue Reading →
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