A place where lesbians can share our own stories

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Walking with a Ghost(er)

Lesbians love online dating. Considering the dwindling number of physical lesbian spaces, it’s not like we can consistently find each other out in the wild. It’s also much easier to curate our dating experiences by only swiping on those who… Continue Reading →

The Magic of Actualize

Due to COVID, Actualize was cancelled in 2020. After a year of anticipation, the event kicked off at the tail end of August 2021. And boy, was it worth the wait! Actualize is an intentional lesbian gathering that (COVID aside)… Continue Reading →

Aging Like a Dyke

For several years, I rounded up my age to 40. I didn’t want to be shocked when it happened, so once I turned 35, I just started saying I was 40. I was someone who had never anticipated living past… Continue Reading →

A Life Outside Myself

I can’t remember how old I was when I first started feeling like my body wasn’t home to me. Perhaps it was before puberty, when boys started lifting my skirt for a laugh, or when men stopped their cars to… Continue Reading →


An older lesbian I used to look up to once told me the story of her first experiences with dating after coming out. She said “I was a pretty girl, but I kept attracting ugly girls. So I had to… Continue Reading →

Lesbian Visibility Day 2021

In celebration of Lesbian Visibility Day, here are four real life lesbian adults who are out, proud, and living their best lives. JULIETTE I’ve been working in tech for about a year now, and it’s really shed a light on… Continue Reading →

Robbery Victims Still Expecting Threesome

From their positions tied back-to-back on dining room chairs (the only furniture left in the house), Chase and Jessica Mansfield express excitement for their upcoming threesome. “God, this is so kinky. Isn’t this kinky, babe?”  Chase wiggles in anticipation against… Continue Reading →

Quarantine Mullets Gain Sentience, Demand Rights

CHICAGO, IL — It has been almost a year since Marcie Monroe, 23, has gotten a haircut. Due to the COVID-related quarantine, her long hair tickles her shoulders, and stretches further downward every week. Concerned that her mullet might have… Continue Reading →

At the Corner of Autism and Lesbianism

Last year I took myself down to my psychiatrist and got diagnosed with ‘high functioning’ autism. It certainly made sense, at least to me. My awkward mannerisms, the way I dress, the way I absolutely loathe making eye contact…plus, two… Continue Reading →

A Comprehensive Lesbian Gift Guide

It’s that time of year again! The holigays are here and there’s one person left on your list… the very special lesbian in your life. Unsure of what to get her? Have no fear! Lesbians Over Everything is here to… Continue Reading →

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